Everyone should roll a mage, per!od. I know you like fearing, or being a Drood, or tanking, or sneaking on people and ganking them, but even so, you should at least have a mage alt. Why? Simple:
Mages are so good, that not having a mage alt is a detriment to your main / WoW experience as a whole. AOE scaling for raw gold / cloth farms is nuts, plus of course you can level quite quick if you can find an uncontested layer or join a steady spellcleave group. Single target damage, control, survivability, the convenience of conjuring food & water, teleporting cross continent, and of course polymorph, nova, cone of cold, even rank 1 frostbolt, are all immense time savers by reducing travel time, gold expenditures, and of course not dying. Heck, mages basically have an additional secondary profession via their basic abilities - you will always get a whisper or two during prime time from people who need a port without advertising. If you are unsure what you want to play, are getting bored, or are frustrated, just fuhgetaboutit and roll mage; it is impossible to go wrong.
I suggest above in general, for best of all worlds. Frost is inherently beefy for the semi casual pvp of Vanilla, 3/3 elemental precision and a few points in winter's chill gives you enough to raid where sweat is optional (plus the extra crit while leveling / questing for single target, as we do not have shatter / frostbite, in order to have predictable aoe casts / slows), and 6 points for blizzard and permafrost gives us just what we need to kill 5+ mobs at a time without too much hassle.
On the fifth of December, twenty twenty four, at around four o'clock in the afternoon, the guild name was changed due to mass reporting. It was a bit surprising, but the guild was largely unperturbed. We got the name changed back a few times, then to an alternative of some sort, then finally the guild name was restored to its proper name: MAGA. If big, demonic companies like Macrohard keep deleting reality with their digital simulations of management, means, and electric beans, eventually we will be starved; I don't want to ask a "muh le private company", which has become the equivalent of Stasi DMV, permission to name a character or guild something ambiguously edgy and|or meme worthy, e.g.:
Just for fun! Will post random stuff on here related to WoW, guild events, random photo edits, etc. Maybe we get a group photo some time.